Saturday, January 26, 2013

SHS 1.26.12.

Hello hello! Lots of color this week, I am lovin' it! I have been working a whole lot on my blog design because I can't seem to get a design that feels like 'me'. So please bare with me on this little design journey!

I recently got some washi tape for some decorating purposes and one of the green ones I got is a little bit lace like.
When I hear 'bling' I think sparkly, pink, shiny. And I don't do anything quite like that. But I do have some necklaces that I love to wear, this one being one of my favorites.

A wooden barn. I used this photo in my wordless wednesday post and was disappointed that I barely got any views because I love this picture and wanted to show it off a little :)

My pretty girl is not super fuzzy but I think of cats in general as fuzzy so that what I'm going with..

For this prompt I automatically thought back to my second week of SHS ever. When this was one of the prompts, and I made what I called a chicken foot out of fluffy socks... Wow who knew I could be so creative. That means I have been participating in SHS for almost a year and have skipped only 2-3 weeks.
That is pretty awesome I think.

These are all my scarves hung up on my bedroom wall, love them!
Here is the photo I used for the prompt last time.