Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Inspired Tuesday ~ April 16th

I am sorry this post is running a bit late. We are in the final push of finishing up the photography studio, and honestly I kind of forgot to do this post last night! Oopps... I am sure my lovely co-hosts are more than ready for me to get settled and get them this post on time :) Love you girls.

This week we have 3 featured blogs, and I am sure you have seen them before, but all three of us hosts thought that they really stood out this past week.

First up we have Amanda from wildly simple. She shared some facts about herself and some lovely pictures for a blogging award she received.

Stacy from Stacy Uncorked shared something very cool. She recently gained a very awesome new follower on twitter! Head over to her post to see who!

Jill Wellington shared some really neat whimsical pictures on her blog. So much fun to look at!

What is Inspired Tuesday?

Each Tuesday Not So Ugly Ducklings hosts Inspired Tuesday along with two awesome co-hosts Dawn's Disaster and Peanut Butter and Jelly, where we offer up a free printable with some encouraging words.
Me and my co-hosts believe that any post written can inspired someone else, whether it is a personal story, a photography, a recipe.. whatever, so I invite everyone to link up their posts no matter the topic.

The rules are simple:

1) Follow Not So Ugly DucklingsDawn's Disaster and Peanut Butter and Jelly  in any way of your choosing.
2) Follow this weeks featured blog(s).
3) It would be nice if you added the Inspired Tuesday button to your post, or even just a link back to the link-up.
4) Try to visit others and be inspired!

That's it.

Here is the button if you would like it:

<div align="center"><a href="http://notsouglyducklings.blogspot.com/" title="Not So Ugly Ducklings"><img src="http://i1250.photobucket.com/albums/hh540/sommerfugldesign/inspired-tuesday-button_zpsa22cc19f.png" width="150" alt="Inspired Tuesday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Okay.. and again no printable this week. I lost my bank card, had it cancelled, which caused my adobe cloud account to be locked, which means no photoshop for me today. Next week I will have 2 awesome freebies for you instead.

I wish you all a inspired week.

(google reader is going away. follow me on bloglovin' to stay updated!)

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